Tile Trial

Technologies Used: GameMaker Studio 2 | Networking

June 2022

This project is a collaboration between 2 other students and myself that was completed on June 1, 2022. Tile Trial is a multiplayer puzzle game connected over the internet. Each "tile" has 4 sides which need to be matched to other tiles. One photo I have included shows an early prototype as well as how the game could have been scored. We made this game within the GameMaker Studio 2 application and used be using GameMaker Language to program the logic of the game. I worked on the tcp networking and multiplayer gameplay for Tile Trial. To do the networking I had to sync game clients to one game server which was hosted by one of the players. When an action was performed it was sent from a client to the server. From there the server sent a message to all clients that an action had happened. In testing we had to balance the rate that we would send messages and making sure players could still have a smooth visual experience.